De Laurent
Montréal, 5e ville au monde pour les femmes d’affaire

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The World’s Top Cities For Female Entrepreneurs
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
Where in the world are women most likely to found a business? According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking 2015, the number of femaleentrepreneurs is now significantly higher than in previous years. Even so, it is much lower than the number of men starting new businesses. In 2012, approximately 12 percent of global startups had a female founder and this increased to 18 percent in the 2015.
When it comes to the top global cities for female entrepreneurs, four of the top ten are in the United States. Chicago grabs top spot with women accounting for 30 percent of new startups. Boston is close behind with 29 percent. Silicon Valley and Los Angeles come third and fourth with 24 and 22 percent respectively.
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